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KEVIN SANGER, mid 20s, dark blond hair, unkempt, sits behind

his desk rummaging through manila folders in his filing



Almost in hysterics as he flings one folder with his finger

safter another, each one more desperate than the last.


                    KEVIN SANGER

          No... No... NO! NO!


His table phone RINGS.


He ignores it.


                    KEVIN SANGER (CONT’D)

          What the hell is this doing in the

          “R” section?!


He removes the folder out and tosses it on his desk.


                    KEVIN SANGER (CONT’D)

          I swear, Charlie, if you

          disorganized my filing cabinet I’m

          going to pull your braces off one

          wire at a time!


Phone stops ringing.


...for a couple of seconds, then it RINGS again, annoyingKevin.


                    KEVIN SANGER (CONT’D)

          You’ve got to be kidding me! If I

          didn’t answer the damn phone, it

          means I’m not available!


He continues to rummage through the files.


                    KEVIN SANGER (CONT’D)

          Betty, here we go? Betty Russell.


He exhales a sigh of relief.


He opens the manila folder. A color picture of BETTY RUSSELL,

20s, brunette hair, pretty face, stares up at Kevin. It’s

paperclipped to other documents pertaining to her.


Kevin fingers through the papers.


His smart phone CHIMES out a JAY AND THE AMERICANS tune,



He checks it, it’s CHARLIE HENDERSON calling.


Kevin expresses disappointment, cancels the call and goes

back to looking through Betty’s pages.


His smartphone stops ringing, but a notification bicycle RING

chimes out instead.


Charlie left a message.


Kevin shakes his head. Again, disappointed.


He looks down at a page on Betty’s profile.


                    KEVIN SANGER (CONT’D)

          She’s been bailed out 5 times?!


Surprised expression fills his eyes. He continues reading.


                    KEVIN SANGER (CONT’D)

          One public indecency.


He flips back to her picture.


He nods in agreement.


                    KEVIN SANGER (CONT’D)

          I can see that.


Back to the page.


                    KEVIN SANGER (CONT’D)

          Intoxicated disturbance while

          riding a kid’s tricycle? Seriously?


His smartphone notifies a TEXT MESSAGE from Charlie.


                    KEVIN SANGER (CONT’D)

          Damn it, Charlie! What is it?!


He checks Charlie’s text.





And just like that, “CARA MIA” blares out.


Kevin answers it quick.


                    KEVIN SANGER (CONT’D)

          What? What Charlie?!


CHARLIE HENDERSON, 20s, gravel voice, possibly from all the

excitement he’s gone through.


                    CHARLIE HENDERSON (V.O.)

          Kevin, Dude! We need to meet up,

          seriously, I’m serious about this

          one. This time. Seriously!


                    KEVIN SANGER

          Is this one of your get rich quick



                    CHARLIE HENDERSON (V.O.)

          ...Different. Remember that girl

          you’ve been trying to find? Patty--


                    KEVIN SANGER



                    CHARLIE HENDERSON (V.O.)

          Yeah, that hot piece of ass. I’ve

          got a source who knows a source

          that knows where she fled to.


Kevin takes another look at Betty’s picture. Her eyes stare

back at us. Something behind those green eyes hide something



Kevin’s mind begins to grind on that. His eyes furrow in



                    CHARLIE HENDERSON (V.O.)

          And you will NOT believe it.


Kevin is lost in thought.


                    CHARLIE HENDERSON (V.O.)

          ...Kevin? Yoo-hoo! You there?


Kevin snaps out of his daze.


                    KEVIN SANGER

          Yeah. Where?


                    CHARLIE HENDERSON (V.O.)

          A little place called... Hold on a



Charlie on the other end rustles through some papers.


Kevin rolls his eyes back.


                    CHARLIE HENDERSON (V.O.)

          ...Where are you, you little shit?

          Ah, here it is, Anguilla Island.


                    KEVIN SANGER



                    CHARLIE HENDERSON (V.O.)

          It’s in the Caribbean, brutha!


                    KEVIN SANGER



                    CHARLIE HENDERSON (V.O.)

          Put me on screen. Seriously.


Kevin shakes his head again but accepts his request. He

presses a button to accept Charlie’s screen time.


                    CHARLIE HENDERSON (V.O.)

          There much better. Hmm, haven’t

          shaved much, huh?


                    KEVIN SANGER

          Something tells me you have more

          besides Betty.


                    CHARLIE HENDERSON (V.O.)

          What? Who, me? Pfft... Nah, man.


                    KEVIN SANGER



A slight moment of silence from Charlie’s end.


                    CHARLIE HENDERSON (V.O.)



                    KEVIN SANGER

          Spit it out, Charlie!


                    CHARLIE HENDERSON (V.O.)

          Okay, okay. There’s this supposed

          treasure lost on the island and

          this old man that lives there knows

          exactly where it is. And I’ve got

          the map. And because he’s old and

          stuff, he can’t move around like he

          used to. I contacted the dude, used

          a little of my persuasive skills

          and got his old ass to let us help

          him, but we need to be there before



                    KEVIN SANGER

          Charlie, I’m going to hang up the

          phone in 3... 2...


                    CHARLIE HENDERSON (V.O.)

          WAIT, wait. Hold on a minute, will

          ya? Geez, Louise.


                    KEVIN SANGER

          2 and a half...


                    CHARLIE HENDERSON (V.O.)

          It’s gold and jewels hidden inside

          a cannon from when Ponce de Leon

          roamed the seas.


                    KEVIN SANGER



                    CHARLIE HENDERSON (V.O.)

          --It’s worth over 15 million



Kevin stops abruptly. His eyes widen.


Kevin clears his throat.


                    KEVIN SANGER

          How much?


                    CHARLIE HENDERSON (V.O.)

          15 million buckaroos! So whadda ya



                    KEVIN SANGER

          I’ll think it over.


                    CHARLIE HENDERSON (V.O.)

          Well, don’t think too long. You

          need to decide like right now. We

          need to be there Friday. Remember?

          Or else we ain’t got a chance.


                    KEVIN SANGER

          We got a long ways away.


Kevin turns to his calendar. SUNDAY is circled in RED marker.


                    CHARLIE HENDERSON (V.O.)

          We’ve got two days, Kevin!


                    KEVIN SANGER

          What are you talking about!? Today

          is Sunday.


                    CHARLIE HENDERSON (V.O.)

          Sunday? Have you been living in

          your office?


Kevin looks over at a pillow and bedsheet on his couch.


                    CHARLIE HENDERSON (V.O.)

          Today is Wednesday, dawg.


                    KEVIN SANGER

          How the hell did I miss 4 days?


                    CHARLIE HENDERSON (V.O.)

          You HAVE been living in your

          office, haven’t you?


                    KEVIN SANGER

          Just for a bit. Until I can pay for

          last month’s rent and the months

          before that.


Kevin gets on his computer. Sifts through FLIGHTS.


                    CHARLIE HENDERSON (V.O.)

          You need a change of scenery, ma

          man. Seriously, I’m serious about

          it. Dull City, Texas ain’t gonna

          cut it.


                    KEVIN SANGER

          There’s a lot of things to do in El



                    CHARLIE HENDERSON (V.O.)

          Yeah, watching the sunset and

          sunrise doesn’t quite cut it.


                    KEVIN SANGER

          Holy shit man, these prices are

          extreme! Over 600 dollars for one

          way? You got to be kidding me? Then

          we got the hotel stay, the cab

          fair, the car rental, food, etc.


                    CHARLIE HENDERSON (V.O.)

          Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold the phone.

          I’m sending you a commercial I saw

          that can clear things right up. You

          should get it in a couple.


Kevin’s phone chimes.


                    CHARLIE HENDERSON (V.O.)

          Did you get it?


                    KEVIN SANGER



                    CHARLIE HENDERSON (V.O.)

          Well, open it. I can wait.


Charlie picks at his teeth.


Kevin opens his message.


A video fills his screen.


The commercial begins with the musical harmonies of CARA MIA

but instead of Cara Mia, it’s replaced with “CARRIB-BEAN.”


And from the sound of it, it’s a very close match.

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